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Wenceslas Cobergher I

Our 3-star holiday home is within walking distance of the Basilica of Our Lady of Scherpenheuvel, and features all the creature comforts you could want. This includes your own cooking facilities and free Wi-Fi.

This home has 2 bedrooms and also comes with a living area with seating and a flat screen TV. There is a fully equipped kitchen that includes a dishwasher and a microwave. The en-suite bathroom features a shower and toilet. There is also a washing machine and a drier.

Around the home, there are numerous restaurants, snack bars and cafés, where you can enjoy drinks or a full meal.

Up to five people can stay without any hassle.


“Wenceslas Cobergher I” lies in the heart of Scherpenheuvel, barely 7 km from Averbode Abbey, 11 km from Aarschot, and just 30 km from Leuven. In the locality, you can also enjoy lots of outdoor activities, such as rambling and cycling. Scherpenheuvel is a well-known site of pilgrimage, but has many other interesting features.

The Basilica of Our Lady of Scherpenheuvel was designed by architect Wenceslas Cobergher and is at walking distance from our holiday home.

Why not go to the weekly market on Saturday afternoon? Or visit Diest, Averbode, Zichem, Hasselt, and the like, all in the locality?

The holiday home is nestled in the Hageland landscape and offers you many recreational options, with countless walks and cycle routes.


Address of the holiday home

Cobergerstraat 12
3270 Scherpenheuvel
Location and directions

Availability and reservation

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